No children quickly tired of plastic eggs with tiny amebs. They wanted their own puppy, or even better - just two or three. First heard the cries of pre Nintendo, and it may take some time after the release of the revolutionary DS console, the Japanese company submitted a peace Nintendogs - most dogs living in the virtual world.
After the chain failed to beat puppies every record popularity cool premieres at the same time increase sales console itself, the whole world is talking about the "phenomenon Nintendogs." In fact, the phenomenon of no great secret and not in the draft. Mystery success lies in two factors. First, the developers succeeded, through DS, simulate real process of interaction with the dog. Secondly, the project is not a "game" in the habitual sense of the word. Rather, it visual guide for the care of the house pupil, full of pleasant surprises.
Chow-chow breeder dedicated
In that dogs live, it is impossible to doubt. They look and move exactly like the breeders real. Sometimes even the impression that you look at the video quality. His spoils, perhaps, poorly furnished room, which, staggering, four-player our hero. DS modest impact opportunities to work with three-dimensional graphics - all its strength is spent on a model dog.
Give proper marketing Nintendo, which had decided to please buyers immediately eighteen breeds puppies, but carefully distributed them to three different versions of the game, six for each. The beginner can choose any dog-fancier breeds, but only of those that are available on a particular cartridge. You can not get at the same time, for example, the dog, Laika and taxis. However, this is the most disappointed only its most ardent fans. All remaining initially osharashit another question - and that, indeed, have to do with this dry miracle that haunting angle of the corner. Ferment, which is typical in itself. Already this feature can bomb in trans anyone who used that in the games main character is always on the move only teams with the game's preference or keyboard.
Quiet, no need to torment the joystick. Try to tell, what demands the attention of a live puppy? Need to feed, drink, play with him for a walk to drive, wash with shampoo, for the ear to scratch, teach different trick cheerful and accustom respond to commands given ad libitum feeding rubbish. So, in Nintendogs have to deal with exactly the same. Do you want to attract the attention of dogs? Svistnite and say aloud her nickname. I happen small miracle - peacefully dremavshy dog jumped on the mat, podbezhit to the screen, start to bark and nuzzle nose to the screen. Pat tip of his index finger over your ear and see how he closing eyes of pleasure.
Touch screen console allows do unimaginable things. Using stylus (or finger), you can throw a tennis ball or a pupil season, nadraivat his shampoo in the bathroom, then irrigate water from the soul. On walk stylus must wait for a dog leash and collect them in a special bag waste of life. The store busily you add in the food and drink basket for a baby, buy him toys and beautiful collars. Yes, the money has not been even in a game as Nintendogs. At the food and decorations spent only a small portion of a limited budget. Where a larger amount needs to be put for the opportunity to have another puppy, and very much worth the money cosmic change of interior room.
Since coins for the slot in the DS is not available, the question arises - how funds? The answer is contained in the black eyes of your pupil. It can not only eat so tense, but it is able to earn hundreds of dollars-another. Speaking at competitions and exhibitions, as any dog Vesha, quirk of fate has proved in a big city. Sometimes there is a suspicion that this is not without purpose. Nintendogs teaches players, among them many children to the realities of life. As porabotaesh well pokushaesh. Want a new dog? Earn particularly crisp coins. And if "old" at this time remains in frustrated feelings, yes to the same nemytaya and the hungry, then it does not win the next tournament on a dime.
But that is typical, and not die. Even if you do not feed a month. View from the pupil will be pitiful, ears svernutsya in tubes, but go to the forefathers he flatly refused. The world still remembers well as hundreds and thousands of children deprived of sleep and judgement, died when their favorite "chess" living in plastic eggs. Nintendo has learned a lesson from others' experiences and agreed that her dogs will live forever, and their owners sleep.
In pursuit of secrets
Unfortunately, after the last open secret bought every dog and the fifth time changed the color of wallpaper in the room. Puppy is not growing, learn new tricks can not, emerging with objects worse bitter bean. But the paradox to part with a virtual pet has no desire, despite the opportunity provided by developers zeroing memory. It is at this point can come insight that it is time to have the present, live dog. No difficulties can no longer frightened, because "young fighters course successfully passed. And all because of Nintendogs.
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