Friday, February 15, 2008

Purr Pals - Kittens learn to fly

Every year in America alone killed tens of thousands of pets and the most affected by this are not the representatives of Greenpeace and the children. Psychologists argue that the death of a loved one or puppy Marine mumps leaves an indelible mark on the psyche of the child. Often, it is for this reason that many parents are reluctant to have animals in the house, preserving the fragile psyche of children from unhealthy shocks. It is better to buy too fashionable electronic toy, razvelos benefit them in the market huge number.

Primitive "chess" living in plastic eggs, this is not. Example puppies Nintendogs convinced the world that virtual pets can successfully replace pets. Electronic dog not nagadit on carpet in the living room, not turn trash bucket and not sgryzet feet slippers. At its acquisition of the family budget will affect only once, and most importantly - he is not going to die, forcing the child to cry and suffer.

Shooting a tail

Following the puppy Sales have hamsters, fish and even horses. Kittens arrived after all - the framers simulator Purr Pals realize that the lovers of cats in the world, no less than fans of dogs and tried to make no hackneyed clone, and bring something new trend in the genre. This beats originality key literally from the first minute acquaintance with the game. In a master except brushes and packages of food have red pistol, which can irrigate cat mercilessly cold water. Poor beeps good mate and torn by room, trying to escape justice.

Drown an animal in this way does not work, the weapons used to print out the cat out of catalepsy. Tetanus is to it after meals and at the end of hygiene. Even iron pupil as long as you like are not permitted - after a certain time, it ceases to rumble, takes postural stone statues and begins carefully at the wall. This does not mean that the kitten has received from the life of all that is soul wishes. After lunch necessarily need to play, and then adopt a new batch of weasel, bathe and resume Senator stomach. Walk the streets with a kitten, unfortunately, is prohibited - fresh air, it can only breath in the inner courtyard homes.

In between emerging from another owner in the four-person earns money sweat. All seized of the fun, fulfilling concert numbers along with cats. While tailed singers desperately pray to different voices, the player acts as a musician, a miniature piano keys listed. If an error does not smell from the loudspeakers melodious "meow" and the unbridled "wondering-wondering." Other ways of earning no less exciting and is throwing the ball in the basket, shooting air balls archery and playing hide and seek. From time to time pet takes part in exhibitions, which demonstrates a few simple steps invisible to spectators, receiving an award in applause, and fat cash prize.

Wonders Column

No hidden advertising, as usual, there were - sensitivity cat prefers to eat feed, the premium from the company Purina, five bucks for packaging. And eats his meal with such that the poorest barely manage to master to dangle in the virtual store for supplements and find money for toys and accessories. Dog-collar, medallion and fashionable cap потянут together for hundreds of green, but to buy the entire wardrobe, it will take weeks of hard work. Situation save small awards issued for the careful care of the animals, but they also can turn into a fine if the mentor to incriminate careless in relation to the pupil. It seems, therefore creators of Purr Pals of the players are trying to inculcate a sense of responsibility that borders with paranoia.

Replace the living pupil completely virtual analogue unable. This kitten did not sleep for five minutes a day, not jumping to the ceiling and murmurs much nicer. But the game is good for privivaniya necessary skills and habits of children, who tearfully ask Pope with Mom permission to have "cat or dog." If they have an examination of resistance through Purr Pals, and then living with another rise without problems.

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