Action Heroes arcade Time Ace - Dr.Clock and his assistant Scythe lived in the early 20 - th century, earning the lives of laboratory research. Along mastisty scientist working on the case throughout his life - the machine to travel in time. The equipment he installs a small plane, which in the uneven breathing Sayz, secretly looking for a career villain. In one evening assistant, taking advantage of the lack of professors, usazhivaetsya in the pilot's chair and furrowing heaven sent different epochs. Upon noticing missing, Klock understood that the invention can bring a lot of troubles and decides to stop the malefactor as soon as possible.
The future in the hands of the Communists
In fact, it is not so easy to do. Size took on the dirty deed with overzealous persistence and Klock barely manage to destroy the plans of former assistant, created by destroying its war machine. Along the doctor had to fight the armies of different times - the Americans, Vietnamese, English. Not without cost, and the ubiquitous "red threat" - according to the plot, in 2160 after power on Earth, the Moon and Mars captured even citizens of Russia, who endured several nuclear winter, and created a huge spider robots with laser guns Split eye.
The scenario unfolding on the level of each one of the same pattern. Professor, awful teeth, shooting armada of hostile aircraft, uvorachivaetsya fire Weizmann and destroy the enemy strategically important objects. As is usually the last act bizarre forms generators or court martial different types - from ancient sailing boats to super modern submarines. Search for the way they do not have to - zdorovennaya the compass needle always indicate the correct direction, and if the pilot decides to deviate from the correct course only, invisible hand forcibly return the aircraft to the original position.
Fighter at prokachku
Disguise the lack of freedom of action tries to complex architecture levels. Летать typically accounts for between huge skyscrapers, in the rocky gorges or through openwork metal constructions ponastroennye communists on the planet solar system. Uvorachivatsya beams from the hills easily, complicated case with the enemy - every counterclaim pilot felt a descendant of Japanese kamikaze and feels obliged to make a frontal collision. Combined with not very convenient scheme aiming often leads to the destruction of the main character. Fortunately, the first to start a mission will not have to until all the available stock izrashoduetsya 'lives. "
Klock clumsy plywood seat on the rapidly changing fighter from the Second World, then transplanted outside knob jet fighter, and in the finals and does rassekaet outer space shuttle to Mars. Technical characteristics of devices are improving in front and back after the tenth mission to the first and not easy to remember that once it seemed too complicated. Not task at each stage is only destroying the principals, without a decent stock of missiles to them better than podstupatsya.
Three against one
After the first wave of admiration from the dynamics of what is happening recedes, in the eyes of a surprising rush begins happening. Enemy aircraft, tanks and zenitki altered form, but not content. If in 1914, at any time in the doctor three clumsy biplane flies, and since the land is archaic type of tank fire, in 2160, the company changed to three red-and yellow starship Walking self installation. Final enemies also behave the same way - trying to impress size, but does not destroy the sighting fire.
Dilate dullness topic creators Time Ace trying to trifles. Forced to repair fighter before the start of each mission - patch holes to solder circuit and under the ticking stopwatch. Or individually collect bonuses like jet fuel for accelerators, the new kits and machine guns. The situation could have saved the availability of truly effective weapon smetayuschego everything in its path, but the experience of other successful arcade games authors seem to have decided not to use.
The story of a mad genius of doctor and assistant came to the scene. It has become banal shooter in a brief illustrated guide to the major military conflicts the past century. Is that in the future the performance of Time Ace looks somewhat awkward and sometimes even frightening. Another warning to naive dreamers who want to get their hands on the machine to change the time and with it the course of history.
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